You can have several different roles in a Q&A process at the same time. This article describes the functionalities and appearance for only the role 'Answer'. If you have other roles, too, further functionalities related to other roles will be available to you, too, and we recommend to read the corresponding help articles as well.
- Last modified (today, yesterday, last week, +3 days, since last login, custom)
- Teams (question teams you are responsible for)
- Category (in case this feature is being used in a Q&A)
- Status (read, unread, drafts, open, closed)
- Priority (none, low, medium, high)
- You can reject inappropriate questions and return them to the respective question teams together with a comment, if you received it directly from a question team, if the Q&A has been configured without an intermittent distribution team
- You can answer questions and optionally add a comment for succeeding answer-side teams
- You can reassign questions together with a comment to other answer teams, if configured
- You can save comments as drafts
- Switch the action button selection to 'Answer', if it is not already selected, to answer the question. The question thread will switch into edit mode:
- at 'Answer' you enter your answer
- with a click on the bottom left linking icon in the answer entry field you can optionally either add an index link to a reference document for your answer (option 'Add index link'), or upload a new reference document to the index (option 'Upload from computer') to add an index link
- at 'Category' you can correct a category, or more categories, if categories have been set up and activated
- at 'Add comment' you can optionally enter a comment for other succeeding answer-side teams
- you can save your answer and comment as a personal draft only visible to you, which you then can further edit, by clicking somewhere outside of the question thread display
- when you are done preparing your answer, click on 'Answer'
- the question with your answer will be either sent directly to the initial question team, or the next responsible approval team on the answer-side, as configured
- question and answer will appear in tab 'Questions' with all related information, the status display 'answered', and a timestamp
- Switch the action button selection to 'Reject', if available and if the question is not appropriate, and:
- at 'Add comment', enter a mandatory comment for the question team explaining the reason for rejecting the question
- you can save your comment as a personal draft only visible to you, which you then can further edit, by clicking somewhere outside of the question thread display
- when you are done preparing your comment, click on 'Reject'
- the question will be returned to the question team with your entered comment
- the question will appear in tab 'Questions' with all related information, the status display 'rejected', and a timestamp
- Switch the action button selection to 'Reassign', if available and if needed, and:
- at 'Reassign question' select the team to which you want to reassign the question, and enter a mandatory comment explaining the reason for reassigning the question
- you can save your selection and comment as a personal draft only visible to you, which you then can further edit, by clicking somewhere outside of the question thread display
- when you are done preparing your selection and comment, click on 'Reassign'
- the question will be reassigned to the selected team with your entered comment
- the question will appear in tab 'Questions' with all related information, the status display 'reassigned', and a timestamp
Alternatively, and especially, if you want to review the reference document, you can click on the link to the reference document to jump to the data room document viewer showing the particular document's page and the perhaps highlighted area, and then continue your work in the Q&A tab. There you can just as well answer, reject, or reassign the question in the same ways as described above.
You will only be able to add a follow-up answer to an answer, which was not further edited by succeeding answer-side teams.
- enter a question text
- select a reference document index point or folder
- enter an answer text
- optionally add a reference link for your answer or upload a new reference document to the index
- you can save the FAQ as draft for further editing by clicking somewhere outside of the question thread display
- click on 'Share FAQ', when you are ready to share the FAQ
- The FAQ will be shared with all teams and be listed in tab 'Shared FAQ'.
- edit the pre-filled question text as needed
- optionally change the selected reference document index point or folder
- edit the pre-filled answer text as needed
- optionally change or add a reference link for your answer or upload a new reference document to the index
- you can save the FAQ as draft for further editing by clicking somewhere outside of the question thread display
- click on 'Share FAQ', when you are ready to share the FAQ
- The FAQ will be shared with all teams and be listed in tab 'Shared FAQ'.
- Click 'Export Q&A' in the top toolbar.
- Choose whether to export all or only the filtered questions and answers.
- PDF Export:
- Generates a detailed document with each question and answer on separate pages.
- Includes all relevant information, actions, and steps taken by the answer-side teams up to your level of access.
- Excel Export:
- Provides an overview of the current Q&A status (e.g., submitted, distributed, answered, approved).
- Does not include historical details of the answer process.