Granting permissions for shared documents
The Drooms Chat allows users, who have access to specific folders and documents in projects and data rooms, which you administrate, to share them with other chat participants.
These other chat participants may already be members of a user group, which has been granted view permission or higher for the shared documents and folders, but can also be members of a group, which does not have the necessary view permission, yet, or are even not part of the data room at all.
Chat participants without view permissions will have to request your permission to view these documents and folders, and it is your decision as administrator, whether you actually grant this or higher permission, or deny any.
The index numbering and descriptions of shared document or folders are not displayed in the Drooms Chat to users without view permissions.
To grant or deny permissions for shared documents and folders, proceed as follows:
- When users request permissions for a shared document or folder, you will receive a respective notification in Drooms in the project, to which the shared document or folder belongs (there are no respective e-mail notifications).
- Sign in to Drooms and check your notifications in the Notifications tab on the Home page for projects with new notifications, or directly check the notifications in a certain project for new notifications from users requesting permissions. There are two possible use cases resulting in two different kinds of notifications, requiring different treatment:
- If the user requesting permissions is already a member of a user group of the concerned project, such a notification will show:
- Who requested the permission
- Who shared the document or folder
- Which document or folder was shared
- Which user group the user belongs to, if the user has access to the project and data room
- A permissions selection for the user group to which the user belongs, in case the user has access to the project and data room
- If the user requesting permissions is not a member of the concerned project, such a notification will show:
- Who requested the permission
- Who shared the document or folder
- Which document or folder was shared
- Buttons 'Deny' and 'Add to group'
- Consider, if you want to grant the user view or higher permissions for the shared document or folder at all, or not. There are four options now:
- If you want to grant a user view or higher permissions for the shared document or folder, who is already a member of a user group in your project, but cannot view the document or folder, yet, you can grant the user group view or higher permissions by selecting the respective permissions level in the corresponding notification. Once done, the user group will receive the selected permissions, the user's chat will display a link to the shared document or folder, and the notification will be closed.
Please note that all other members of that user group will also receive the same permissions! Please also be aware that granting view permissions for a document or folder may result in granting view permissions also for the parent folders, i.e., the complete index path and branch (neighbouring documents and folders will not become visible, though).
- If you do not want to grant the user group, to which the user, who requests permissions, belongs to, any permissions for the shared document or folder, click on button 'Deny' in the regarding notification. In the related chat, the user will be informed that you denied his request.
- If you want to grant a user view or higher permissions for the shared document or folder, who is not a member of any user group in your project, yet, you can add the user to a user group with at least view permissions for the shared document or folder by clicking on button 'Add to group' in the corresponding notification. A pop-up dialog will allow you to select such a group and invite the user. Once done, the user be an active member of your project and the selected user group, the user's chat will display a link to the shared document or folder, and the notification will be closed.
Please be sure that the new user fits into the selected group, especially if the option 'Group visibility' is toggled on for this group. It could be good practice to first create a special separate new group for such a user instead, and then select it via the pop-up dialog that opens, when you click on 'Add to group' in the corresponding notification.
- If you do not want to invite a new user to your project and add him to a user group with at least view permissions for the shared document or folder, click on button 'Deny' in the regarding notification. In the related chat, the related message will show a blank space.
- When you either grant a user group view or higher permissions, or add a new user to a user group, with respect to shared documents and folders, the history reports will reflect all related actions and changes correspondingly.
- Once a data room with shared documents or folders is closed, the shared documents and folders will no longer be available in respective chats. When clicking in a chat on a link to a shared document or folder, the error message 'Access denied' will be displayed. Still pending 'Permissions requested' will stay as 'Permissions requested'.
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