Moving index points

Moving index points

There are two ways of moving index points, either using the context menu, or simply via drag & drop. Both ways will be explained here, starting with moving index points via the context menu.
  1. Select 'Data Room' in the navigation menu on the left to access the data room index.
  1. Open the index context menu with a right mouse click onto the index point that you want to move, or select multiple index points first (using 'Shift', or 'CMD/STRG'), and then open the index context menu with a right click.
  1. Select the 'Edit' sub-menu option 'Cut'. The selected index point(s) will be highlighted in the index in blue.
  1. Now right-click onto the folder or index point that you want to insert the selected index point(s) either 'in', or 'before', or 'after', and in the index context menu select the 'Edit' sub-menu option 'Paste' to open the 'Paste' modal dialogue.
  1. Make sure that the correct option and position for inserting the moved index point(s) is selected in the location drop-down menu.
Regular users with partial edit permissions will only be able to perform insert actions that do not affect in any way index points they have no edit permission for.

The top index root folder cannot be moved.
  1. As administrator, choose the permissions, which should be applied to the moved index point(s), either 'Inherit from parent folder', 'Administrators only', or 'Retain permissions'. Other users permitted to move index points cannot choose permissions. Their moved index point(s) will inherit the target parent folder permissions.
With 'Inherit from parent folder' the moved index point(s) will become visible, downloadable, or even editable, or stay invisible for different user groups like the new parent folder.

With 'Retain permissions' the moved index point(s) will retain the previously granted permissions.

With 'Administrators only' no permissions will be granted and can be set afterwards.
Selecting the option 'Retain permissions' may affect parent folder permissions: In order to retain a group's view permission for a moved index point, the group will be automatically granted view permission for all so far invisible new parent folders up to the top index root folder, too.
  1. Click on 'Paste' to confirm the move action (= cut + paste).
As mentioned before, you can also move index points to the desired position via drag & drop.
  1. Select the index point(s) you want to move, then drag & drop the index point(s) to the desired location in the index.
For placement in a folder drag and hold the index point(s) onto the folder until it is highlighted in dark blue, then drop the index point(s).

For placement before or after a folder or index point, drag the index point(s) to where you want to insert them in between the folder or index point and the previous or next index item until a thin, dark blue line indicates the correct placement, the  drop the index point(s).
  1. The 'Paste' modal dialog will open for administrators to choose the permissions, which should be applied to the moved index point(s), see above. Other users permitted to move index points cannot choose permissions. Their moved index point(s) will inherit the target parent folder permissions.
  1. Click on 'Paste' to confirm the move action (= cut + paste).

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