Project Details

Project Details

The project details section provides non-administrator users with various information about a project. To access the project details section, proceed as follows:
  1. After signing in to Drooms, select the desired project. Then select the project details section with a click onto the bottom '(i)' info icon in the left main navigation menu.
Starting at the top left following project information are provided:

  1. Project name
  2. Project ID (can be copied with a click to your clipboard), and the project status
  3. Included features
  4. Technical support contact address
  5. Administrative contact address, if provided by administrators
  6. E-mail address for uploading files (only projects with single data room): The file upload via e-mail allows authorised users to upload files as e-mail attachments directly to a data room using an e-mail address unique for each data room. In projects with multiple data rooms, this e-mail address is only stated in the data room index.
In some cases, non-administrator users must accept a special conditions or disclaimer document to get access to a data room the first time. If this was the case, this document can be viewed and downloaded at the top of the right-hand panel later on.

  1. Click on the display icon (second from the right) to view or the download icon (first from the right) to download the special terms of use / disclaimer.

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