Following file formats are converted for online display within the data room, and can be redacted: standard .pdf, .png, .jpg, .tif, .tiff, .gif, .txt*, .rtf, .xls**, .xlsx**, .doc., .docx, .ppt, .pptx, .ods, .odt, .odp, .htm, .html.
Portfolio PDF files, standard office files with active features like macros, signatures, etc., as well as files with any other format cannot be converted for online display, such as files with 3D content like CAD files, or music files and videos, or compressed files like .zip. These files cannot be redacted and require download permissions to be actually reviewed.
* txt files with more than 400 pages will not be converted, as they are too large to be reviewed on the platform, but spike the page count and cause customers to ask for refunds. These files cannot be redacted and require download permissions to be actually reviewed.
** Excel files without set printing areas and proper formatting, which would be converted into more than 100 pages, will also not be converted, as they will in most cases not be split up reasonably for review, but spike the page count and cause customers to ask for refunds. These files cannot be redacted and require download permissions to be actually reviewed. We recommend to define printing areas in .xls, and .xlsx files, otherwise they may not always be correctly converted, and then cannot be redacted.