Requesting archives

Requesting archives

Digital archives are a key feature of transaction data rooms for documentation and legal purposes. In a transaction process they document all documents and information provided by the sell-side to the buy-side, as well as potentially all kind of available further related data.

Archives on USB sticks can be requested for Drooms TRANSACTION and Portfolio projects as described below. For Drooms FLEX projects they can be ordered via the owner's personal Drooms web shop account. Archives are not available for Drooms LIFECYCLE projects.

To request one or more new archives, proceed as follows:
  1. After signing in to Drooms, select the desired project. Then select the 'project settings' section with a click onto the 'gear wheel' icon in the left main navigation menu and click on the button 'Manage archives'.
The 'Manage archives' button is available for administrators in Drooms TRANSACTION and portfolio projects. In Drooms FLEX projects, it is available only for the project owner, redirecting the owner to the personal Drooms web shop account.
  1. A table 'Manage and request archives' will open, which lists all previously requested archives with following data and options:
  1. Select data room: In projects with multiple data rooms a drop-down menu above the table allows to select the data room, for which the requested archives should be displayed or new ones be requested
  2. Requested on: The time and date an archive was requested
  3. Requested by: The requester
  4. Archive view: The group and point of view chosen the archive should be created for
  5. Reporting: Included, or not
  6. Status: The current state of execution (* see details down below)
  7. Info button: Look up the full request details for each archive
  8. Duplicate button: Duplicate previous archive requests, except for setting new dates of creation and delivery
  9. 'Request new archive' button below the table
  1. Click on 'Request new archive' to open the digital archive request form for configuring the archive creation parameters.
  1. First, at 'Archive and delivery settings' following parameters have to be entered:
    1. Copy of the data room: Choose the point of view the data room archive should be created for, based on group permissions
    2. Reports: Select the reports to be included in the archive
    3. Archive password recipients: Select, whether only you, or all administrators should receive the archive password e-mail, once the archive has been created
    4. Number of copies: State the number of copies of the archive, which should be created
    5. Recipient name, company name, and delivery address (street and number, ZIP / postal code, city, country, phone number) 
    6. All fields, except final 'Special instructions' are mandatory        
  1. Secondly, at 'Additional information' it is required to enter:
    1. Date for data room image creation: Schedule an archive creation date (can be any date later than today)
    2. Preferred delivery date: Schedule a delivery date (can be two days from today and always after the creation date)
    3. include Declaration of Identity certificate from Drooms (Confirmation Letter): Yes/No
    4. Optionally you can select, whether you are interested in turning your archive potentially into an online archive in the future, or not
  1. Finally, at 'Summary and Confirmation' you may review the entered information and have to confirm the archive request by entering a phone number and accepting the conditions.
  1. Once the request is submitted, a new archive record appears in the table of requested archives, the request will be processed by the Drooms Customer Success team and the archives will be shipped in due time to the entered address. You can track the execution status in the table with archive requests. Archive execution status are (*):
  1. Pending - archive pending
  2. Processing - archive in progress
  3. Completed - archive creation finished
  4. Failed - there was some error during archive creation
  5. Requested - archive creation is waiting for execution
  6. Cancelled - archive creation has been cancelled by CSM (
  7. Expired - if the archive request is not executed in time, it expires after a certain amount of time

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