The Data Transfer feature allows to directly copy any or all index points, files, or folders, from one Drooms data room to another, given the necessary permissions. This way it is possible to:
- Copy and move specific portfolio assets to a dedicated Drooms TRANSACTION data room for related due diligence and transaction purposes
- Compile an insightful overview of documents for multiple assets in one place
- Rearrange and organise documents that already exist in other assets
- Manage and rearrange data (documents, folders, index points) across projects and data rooms in general
- Transfer the related data 1:1 avoiding errors, potential leaks and unwanted exposure as well as time and costs due to manual, time-consuming downloading and re-uploading of documents, potentially even impeded by local path restriction issues

Data can be copied to other data rooms (assets) belonging to the same project with multiple data rooms (Drooms Portfolio and LIFECYCLE), as well as to data rooms belonging to other projects.

Data can be copied only by users, who are administrators of the source data room, to destination data rooms, where they have at least upload permissions for the 'Inbox' folder (the same as used for uploading e-mail attachments to).

Currently data transfers are only possible between data rooms belonging to Drooms projects either with standard German storage location, or with the optional Swiss storage location. Data transfers between data rooms with different storage locations will not be possible.
To transfer data, proceed as follows:
- After signing in to Drooms, select the source project and data room containing the data, which you want to transfer.
- Select the data room index items or folder(s) with the data you want to transfer, and open the index context menu.

Selecting a folder and its sub-items will result in an error. Please only select the folder itself, and/or other folders or documents on the same level, but not any sub-items at the same time. They will be automatically included in the data transfer.
- Select the option 'Copy to Data Room' to open the pop-up dialog 'Sending a copy of selected item(s) to another data room'.

If the context menu should not offer this option, please contact our Customer Success team and inquire, if the Data Transfer tool can be enabled for your project.
- In the first step, select the destination data room. The drop-down menu will list all potential destination data rooms you have edit permissions in.

You can select only destination data rooms, where you have permissions to upload items to the Inbox folder. Required permissions are 'Create only' for the inbox folder, or higher.
- Then select the type of data to be copied:
- Option 'Everything (Index points, folders & files)': All selected index items will be copied to the destination data room
- Option 'Empty folders & Index points only': Only the selected folders and index points will be copied to the destination data room, attached files will not be copied
- Option 'Empty folders only': All selected folders and sub-folders will be copied to the destination data room, document index points and the attached files will not be copied

You can select only destination data rooms, where you have permissions to upload items to the Inbox folder.
- Click on 'Next'. In the second step, your data transfer request will be checked. There are several potential reasons, why a data transfer may not be possible, though, and which will be stated respectively:
- Some change occurred with respect to the selected item(s) just shortly after your selection (some index point may have been added or removed, for example).
- You initiated another data transfer before, which still is being processed. It is only possible to have one running data transfer at a time, so please try again later.
- The destination data room may have a set and fixed storage limit, which your intended data transfer would exceed.
- The selected item(s) for the data transfer have a file & folder structure with more than 19 levels. For technical reasons, structures with more levels cannot be transferred.
- Data cannot be copied to frozen or online-archived data rooms.
- If everything is fine, the dialog will show the selected destination data room, the selected type of data to be copied, where the selected item(s) will be copied to therein, and additional information about numbers of selected items and overall data amount.
- Please confirm that you understand our billing notice.

The copied documents are billed in the destination data room with the same terms of billing that apply to uploading documents in that data room.
- Click on 'Send copy' and your newly copied data will be added in a new folder in the Inbox of the destination data room. They will be subject to the permissions set for the Inbox of the destination data room.

The original files will be kept in the source data room. Please delete them, if they are not needed there anymore, not least of all to avoid getting billed for the same data in several data rooms.
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