Importing index points

Importing index points

The index import allows to add new folder and document index points, and to update the index descriptions of existing folder and document index points, but not to delete any index items. The import requires a carefully prepared .xlsx file.

To prepare index import files, please note following recommendations and rules:

  1. Either create a new index import file or download the existing index and reuse the downloaded index .xlsx file as needed. -> Read more about exporting the index
  1. All cells in the .xlsx file must be formatted as text cells.
  1. The index points, that should be added or updated, must be listed with their index position in the first column (‘Path’), and their index description in the second column (‘Description’), starting in line 2 or below.
Missing descriptions will cause the upload to fail.
  1. The index points must be listed in successive, numerically ascending order.
If the index position of an index point precedes another index point already entered in a previous line, the index upload will fail.
  1. Because already existing index points with already attached files cannot be converted to folders, it is not possible to add sub-index points to them using the index import.
Therefore the .xlsx file must not contain such sub-index points, or the index import will fail.
  1. If the .xlsx file contains index points, for which neither in the file itself, nor in the data room, a direct parent index point exists, intermediate folders will be inserted automatically in the data room to complete the index/folder structure and accommodate the new index points.
  1. The index description of automatically inserted folders will always be by default ‘N.N.’ (nomen nominandum), so please be aware of them.
  1. Empty index points already existing in the data room, to which new sub-index points are added during the index import, will be automatically converted to folders.
  1. Index points listed in the .xlsx file, which are succeeded by consecutive sub-index point in the file, will be added as folders to the data room.
  1. Index points listed in the .xlsx file, which are not succeeded by another sub-index point in the file, will be added as empty index points to the data room.
  1. If you enter the term ‘folder’ in the third column of the index file in the corresponding line such index points will be added as empty folders. Any other information in column 3 or further columns will be ignored.
  1. For index points listed in the .xlsx file, which match an existing index point, but which have a different index description, the index description of the existing index points will be updated, when the index file is uploaded.
  1. For index points listed in the .xlsx file, which match an existing index point also with regards to the description, the existing index point will remain unchanged. When editing an index export file for an import, you may just as well remove index points (lines) not affected by your changes from the Excel sheet.

To import index points, proceed as follows:
  1. Select 'Data Room' in the navigation menu on the left to access the data room index and make sure that the index tree view mode is active.
  1. With a right click select the intended destination folder in the data room, to which new index points should be added, or where index points should be updated.
Please note that any folder can be selected for the index import.
The new index points listed in the index file will be added to this folder and inherit the folder's index position. If for example you import index points like '1 Folder A' and '2 Folder B' to a folder or empty index point '5.3 XYZ', they will be added as sub-index points ‘5.3.1 Folder A' and ‘5.3.2 Folder B’. But you can also achieve the same result by importing index points '5.3.1 Folder A' and '5.3.2 Folder B' to the top data room folder for the import. So please be careful about which new index points you import to which folder. We recommend to always use full index positions and always select the top data room folder for the import.
  1. In the opened index context menu, select in the 'Upload' sub-menu the option 'Upload index'. Then select in the dialogue that opens the .xlsx file, which you have prepared, to import it.
  1. Drooms will check the index import file, and process it, if it is complying with the above mentioned rules. If it cannot be successfully processed, Drooms will inform you about specific lines in the file causing errors.

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