Importing permissions

Importing permissions

Sometimes it may come more handy to review, compare and edit permissions not online, but using MS Excel sheets, and then upload the edited permissions again. However, the Excel files with edited permissions have to be carefully prepared to ensure a successfull import and processing.

To prepare permissions imports, please note:
  1. To upload changed permissions, always reuse an up-to-date permissions export file including the permissions of those groups for which you want to change the permissions. -> Read more about exporting permissions
  1. You may also reuse an up-to-date index export file including the permissions you want to change. -> Read more about exporting the index
  1. All cells in the .xlsx file must be formatted as text cells.
  1. The first two columns must state the index point numberings and descriptions for those index points, for which the group permissions shall be edited.
  1. The permissions and index export files contain a third column 'Type', which has be to be removed prior to reuploading the edited file, as well as any other columns except the columns for each group, whose permissions you want to change. You may also remove columns with permissions of groups not affected by your changes.
  1. The column headers of columns 3 and ff. must state the exact name of the user group, whose permissions shall be edited.
  1. You may remove index points (rows) not affected by your changes from the Excel sheet.
  1. When granting any permissions for sub-folders or index points, all respective parent folders must have the view permission granted all the way up to the root data room folder, and the affected group mut have at least also view permission for all of them, or the permissions import will fail.
  1. Permissions for a folder may only be set to none, if the permissions for all its sub-folders and index points are also set to none.
  1. For editing the permissions use only and exactly the abbreviated character combinations for the permission sets listed below. Any missing entries or entries not matching one of the mentioned abbreviations and permission sets will cause the permissions import to fail. The permissions ‘co’ (create only) and ‘ca’ (create with approval) and the related permission sets may only be used if the feature module ‘Advanced Permissions’ is enabled for your data room.
  Abbreviation used
  Permission set
  v + p
  view + print
  v + p + s
  view + print + save
  v + co
  view + create only
  v + p + co
  view + print + create only
  v + p + s + co
  view + print + save + create only
  v + ca
  view + create with approval
  v + p + ca
  view + print + create with approval
  v + p + s + ca
  view + print + save + create with approval
  v + p + s + e
  view + print + save + edit

To import permission, proceed as follows:
  1. Select 'Data Room' in the navigation menu on the left to access the data room index and open the index context menu with a right mouse-click. Click on the index context menu option 'Set permissions' to open the permissions control panel in the index.            
  1. Alternatively you can also open the permissions control panel with a click on the 'padlock' icon at the top right corner of the index table header.    
  1.  After opening the permissions control panel, a drop-down menu will open.       
  1. Click on the 'Import permissions' button at the bottom of the menu (third from left) to select and then upload a suited and prepared permissions import file with the intended permission changes.

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